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Monday, 22 April 2013


 19 Februari 2013 : Konsep dan Pembangunan Usahawan

Pada minggu pertama, kami didedahkan kepada konsep asas keusahawanan. Konsep ini termasuklah pendedahan secara menyeluruh mengenai usahawan dan keusahawanan. Kami memahami kepentingan keusahawanan kepada individu, masyarakat dan negara. Keusahawan merupakan tunggak pembangunan kepada ekonomi negara. Pada masa kini, kelahiran usahawan baru sangat digalakkan dan mendapat sambutan. Selain itu, pendedahan kepada contoh keusahawan yang sedia ada sangat membantu pelajar bagi memahami keusahawanan secara realiti. Kami juga memahami keusahawan dari pelbagai sudut seperti keusahawan dari sudut islam dan sebagainya.

26 Februari 2013 : Analisis Kompetensi Keusahawanan Diri

Dalam bab ini pelajar diterangkan mengenai sifat – sifat dan kebolehan yang perlu dibina dan diasah untuk menjadi usahawan yang berkebolehan serta berjaya. Antara sifat tersebut ialah inisiatif, mencari dan merebut peluang yang ada. Sifat ini memerlukan usahawan sentiasa cekap dan cepat serta peka dengan keadaan sekeliling. Selain itu, kecekalan sangat penting untuk berjaya. Perniagaan merupakan satu bidang yang sangat mencabar dan memerlukan usahawan sentiasa bersedia terutama dari segi mental. Usahawan yang hendak berjaya perlulah menjadi kawan kepada setiap masalah dan sentiasa menjangkakan perkara yang diluar jangkaan. Sifat sentiasa mencari maklumat terkini dan maklumat lepas juga merupakan aspek penting untuk menjadi usahawan yang berjaya. Sifat ini memberikan kelebihan yang besar kepada usahawan. Antara aspek penting lain ialah perancangan yang sistematik dan kreatif.

5 Mac 2013 : Etika Keusahawanan

Objektif bab ini ialah untuk memahami konsep keberkatan dalam perniagaan dan memahami etika keusahawanan & budaya perniagaan. Pada kali ini pendedahan lebih focus kepada keusahawan pandangan dari sudut islam. Islam sangat menggalakan perniagaan dan 9/10 rezeki sumbernya dari perniagaan. Perniagaan juga merupakan fardhu kifayah bagi umat islam. Dalam islam terdapat larangan dan galakan bagi menjalan perniagaan. Ini semua kerana islam mewajibkan mencari rezeki yang halal dan melarang penindasan kepada makhluk lain. Islam sangat menjaga etika ketika berniaga serta menjaga hak makhluk lain.usahawan mempunyai tanggujawab yang besar kepada semua pihak bukan setakat kepada perniagaannya sahaja.

12 Mac 2013 : Kreativiti dan Inovasi dalam Perniagaan

Kretiviti dan inovasi merupakan aspek penting dalam perniagaan. Ia menentukan perkembangan dan hala tuju sesebuah perniagaan. Perniagaan tanpa kreativiti dan inovasi mungkin boleh bertahan dalam perniagaan tetapi sukar untuk berkembang. Inilah kepentingan bagi pelajar untuk memahami konsep kreativiti dan inovasi. Bagi menjana kreativiti dan inovasi, seseorang perlukan teknik yang betul serta teratur. Setiap idea baru yang difikirkan perlu dilaksanakan walaupun ianya dilihat seperti tidak logic, ini lah salah satu ciri – ciri usahawan yang kreatif dan inovatif.

19 Mac 2013 : Peluang Perniagaan

Usahawan yang berjaya sentiasa mencari peluang perniagaan yang baru bagi mengembangkan perniagaan beliau. Peluang perniagaan terdapat di mana- mana sahaja selagi usahawan peka terhadap persekitaran. Peluang perniagaan terbuka kerana wujudnya masalah pelanggan yang masih tidak diselesaikan. Usahawan yang berjaya mencari penyelesaian tersebut merupakan usahawan yang mendapat peluang yang tersedia. Bagi mendapat peluang, usahawan perlu banyak menganalisis dan menteliti setiap isu dengan teliti. Bagi menggapai peluang perniagaan baru, usahawan perlu memandang kepada beberapa factor penting seperti persekitaran,teknologi dan komunikasi serta sebagainya. Bab ini memberi panduan kepada pelajar teknik untuk merebut peluang perniagaan baru dengan teknik yang betul.

 26 Mac 2013 : Kemahiran Memulakan Perniagaan

Dalam bab ini, pelajar didedahkan kemahiran yang diperlukan bagi memulakan perniagaan. Antara factor yang dipelajari ialah kenal pasti sumber yang diperlukan bagi memulakan perniagaan, kenal pasti teknik yang berkesan untuk mendapat kebolehan perundingan dan mengetahui cara berkomunikasi yang berkesan. Antara factor lain yang perlu diambil kira ialah keadaan persekitaran dan keadaan diri seseorang usahawan itu. Individu perlu tahu kelebihan, kekurangan serta keperluan bagi beliau memulakan perniagaan.

2 April 2013 : Merancang perniagaan

Minggu ini pelajar didedahkan kepentingan rancangan perniagaan. Rancangan perniagaan ialah dokumen bertulis yang menerangkan perniagaan atau projek yang hendak dijalankan. Dokumen ini turut merangkumi analisis, ramalan, jangkaan, strategi dan cara perlaksanaan perniagaan atau projek tersebut. Dokumen ini perlu dihasilkan mengikut format yang ditetapkan. Rancangan perniagaan penting kerana memberi seseorang peluang untuk melihat dan mendapat gambaran peluang perniagaan atau projek yang berpotensi  serta  membantu seseorang membuat anggaran mengenai sumber dan segala keperluan projek atau sesuatu pernigaan tersebut. seterusnya ia juga dapat memberi gambaran mengenai segala kemungkinan dan risiko yang terpaksa dihadapi.

16 April 2013 : Kemahiran mengurus projek perniagaan

Dalam bab ini, pelajar diberi panduan mengenai kemahiran menguruskan projek perniagaan. Hala tuju perniagaan juga bergantung kepada pengurus perniagaan tersebut. Empat fungsi pengurusan ialah merancang, mengorganisasi, memimpin dan mengawal projek perniagaan. Pihak pengurusan merupakan nadi kepada sesebuah perniagaan.


19 Februari 2013

Konsep dan Pembangunan Usahawan

Pada minggu pertama kami telah didedahkan tentang kepentingan usahawan. Pembangunan usahawan menjadi pemangkin pada perkembangan ekonomi sesebuah negara. Usahawan dapat meningkatkan kekayaan yang membawa kepada pembahagian kekayaan yang dimiliki, seterusnya dapat menyumbang kepada ekonomi negara. Kami diterangkan tentang konsep usahawan dan keusahawanan. Di mana usahawan ialah perintis kepada kejayaan aktiviti perniagaan. Merekalah yang mengesan dan merebut peluang di samping memasarkan produk baharu atau menambahkn nilainya. Manakala, keusahawanan lebih daripada sekadar menubuhkan dan menjalankan perniagaan. Ia merangkumi sikap, kemahiran dan pengetahuan.

26 Februari 2013

Analisis Kompetensi Keusahawanan Diri

Dalam topik ini pelajar didedahkan dengan nilai-nilai positif yang patut ada dalam diri setiap usahawan. Antara sifat-sifat tersebut ialah inisiatif. Melakukan usaha atau sesuatu sebelum terpaksa melakukannya, dipaksa oleh keadaan atau diarah suapaya melakukannya. Sikap seterusnya melihat dan merebut peluang, seorang usahawan yang Berjaya akan sentiasamencari dan melihat peluang yang ada di sekitarnya dan merebut peluang dalam memperluaskan perniagaan dan seterusnya dapat meningkatkan prestasi perniagaan. Usahawan juga perlu mempunyai sifat kecekalan yang tinggi, berusaha menghadapi rintangan dalam perniagaan dan bersabar.  Berikutnya ialah mencari maklumat, usahawan haruslah melakukan penyelidikan atau tinjauan untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan maklum balas dalam usaha memberikan perkhidmatan atau mengeluarkan barangan mengikut kehendak pelanggan.

5 Mac 2013

Etika Keusahawanan

Dalam topik ini pelajar didedahkan dengan konsep kerberkatan dalam perniagaan. Keusahawanan dari perspektif islam. Perniagaan, tidak kira dalam penghasilan barangan atau member perkhidmatan bagi memperoleh rezeki yang halal dengan cara yang tidak bertentangan dengan unsur islam. Islam sebagai agama yang lengkap harus dijadikan sebagai panduan kepada usahawan. Islam juga melihat bidang keusahawanan sebagai bidang yang boleh menyumbang kepada sumber ekonami dan kekayaan individu. Bidang keusahawanan dalam islam termasuk dalam fardhu kifayah. Bererti  tanggungjawab usahawan adalah besar kerana berniaga adalah suatu kewajipan.

12 Mac 2013

Kreativiti dan Inovasi dalam Perniagaan

Kami diterangkan dengan konsep kreativi dan inovasi. Kreativiti merupakan proses membabitkan jumpaan idea atau konsep baru, atau kaitan baru antara konsep atau idea sedia ada. Ia penting dalam bertindak balas kepada masalah yang kompleks dalam persekitaran perniagaan. Manakala inovasi pula ialah langkah yang diambil selepas proses kreatif, di mana usahawan kemudiannya melakukan aplikai inovasi. Terdapat empat proses utama dalam proses kreativiti:
a)     Pengumpulan pengetahuan – usahawan mengumpulkan maklumat dengan melakukan penyelidikan. Melalui pembacaan, perbincangan dan seminar.
b)    Inkubator 
c)     Idea – dikenali sebagai factor eureka. Usahawan mungkin mendapat idea tanpa disengajakan contohnya semasa makan atau berjalan.
d)    Penilaian dan pelaksanaan – fasa terakhir di mana usahawan menukar idea itu menjadi reality.
Manakala jenis-jenis inovasi ialah penciptaan, peluasan, duplikasi danperpaduan.

19 Mac 2013

Peluang Perniagaan

Persekitaran dapat memberikan peluang yang tidak dapat di jangka. Seorang usahawan melihat setiap aspek sebagai peluang dan berpotensi untuk memberikan pulangan pelaburan yang besar. Pemerhatian terhadap pasaran dan kajian terhadap peluang yang ada boleh memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang peluang perniagaan yang boleh wujud. Ia berkait dangan proses inovasi. Seorang usahawan perlu merabut setiap peluang perniagaan dan berani untuk mencuba di pasaran.

26 Mac 2013

Kemahiran Memulakan Perniagaan

Pada minggu ini,pelajar di perkenalkan dengan kemahiran memulakan perniagaan. Antara faktor penting ialah sumber modal, pemilihan produk atau servis yang mahu dipasarkan, lokasi perniagaan yang bakal dijalankan, kelenkapan perniagaan seperti peralatan sokongan, kemahiran perundingan, konsep perundingan, persediaan perundingan, proses perundingan dan strategi perundingan. Topik ini juga menerangkan tentang kemahiran komunikasi yang perlu ada pada usahawan.

2 April 2013

Merancang perniagaan

Dalam tajuk ini, ia menekankan tentang kepentingan rancangan perniagaan. Rancangan perniagaan juga perlu disediakan mengikut format yang telah ditetapkan. Supaya mudah untuk pihak bertanggungjawab dapat memahami rancangan perniagaan yang disediakan itu dengan baik.

16 April 2013

Kemahiran mengurus projek perniagaan

Terdapat beberapa aspek di dalam kemahiran mengurus projek perniagaan. Pertama ialah pentadbiran, perancangan, pengorganisasian, kepimpinan, kawalan. Manakala dalam tajuk asas pemasaran, konsep pasaran ialah mengkaji dan mengenal pasti keperluan dan kehendak pasaran, mengatahui matlamat pemasaran. Ia adalah untuk member kepuasan pembelian kepada pengguna dan memberikan keuntungan kepada peniaga. Antara aspek-aspek yang terkandung di dalam asas pemasaran ialah konsep tinjauan pemasaran,permintaan dalam pasaran, jenis pasaran dan saiz pasaran.



Learning outcomes:

1.       Importance of entrepreneurship
2.       Concept of entrepreneur
3.       Concept of entrepreneurship
4.       Attributes to entrepreneurship
5.       Entrepreneurship in the Islamic perspectives
6.       Development of entrepreneurship
7.       Why entrepreneurs starts a business
8.       Myths in business development.



Entrepreneurial abilities:

1. Dare to take an initiatives

2. View and grab opportunities to improve business performance

3. Steadfast

4. Information seeking

5. Focused on quality work

6. Commitment to agreement

7. Efficiency-focused

8. Systematic planning

9. Solving problem

10. Self-confidence

11. Iron willed

12. Using power strategies

Failure factors of entrepreneurs:

1.Undisciplined, unethical & irresponsible

2. Ill-equipped mentally and physically for challenges

3. Not able to plan well

4. Not serious in running business

5. Wrong strategies used

6. Poor environmental scanning

7. Poor business knowledge

Lecture 3 – ethics

                In Islamic view, Falsehood & Ads misrepresentations.Sayings of The Prophet: “Do not sell defective products unless you disclose the defects to the buyer”- Narrated by Bukhari. Correct Measurements. Allah SWT revealed: “And complete the measure when you are measuring the scale using the correct tool.”(Al-Israa:35).

The entrepreneurship ethics are:
  • Destruction of Over-supplies -Do not waste and destroy
  • Business involving riba (interests) - Allah SWT: “Allah allows buying & selling & prohibits interests.” (Al-Baqarah:275)
  • Workers’ Recruitment Practice - Best management practices, fair & responsible.
  • Fair to workers - Welfare, wages & comfortable workplace.
  • Environmental Control & Care - Social Responsibility & Green Environment Focused Besides Profit Maximization.


                Innovation means Approach towards creating a new product, process or service in an improved manner & not resting on laurels. It takes four stages in creative process the first step is assimilation of knowledge via readings, discussions, seminars, workshops to create new products/services. Secondly, incubator .Does not cares where the source of ideas originates as development of creative ideas is very vital.  Thirdly is idea which acquired ideas unplanned for during lunch/dinner, travelling etc. lastly is assessment & implementation. Transform ideas into reality finally & without doubt. The importances of developing creative ideas are use thinking skills innovatively & exploit ideas to develop concrete business planning. Besides that, viewing the environment in a topsy turvy way & approach problems as realized business opportunities. Techniques of generating creative & innovative ideas are discussions with workers (brainstorming). Next is forced analogy. Use objects or pictures to generate ideas & see its forced relatedness. Mind mapping the ideas and into groups then start voting for the best idea. The types of innovation are invention a new or original product, service or process. Expansion is an addition to existing products, services or processes. Duplication is a process of cloning with added functions. Integration – Combination of different parts to develop a product/application. Example is computer + technology integrates to form internet & e-commerce.

Lecture 5 – business opportunities

                Opportunity is a new ideas generated via innovative process by establishing a new business, developing new products or services. Situations contributing to business opportunities are, customers requiring new products/services solving their problems or needs. Existing of products/services not able to solve problems or fulfill their needs. So, the solution is identifying the strengths, minimizing weaknesses, using opportunities & lessening threats. Next thing I would like to share is the process of Identifying, Evaluating & Choosing Opportunities. First we need to analyse environment & market with understanding of customer needs. Second, evaluating of self-competency, societal needs & analyse business ideas. Thirdly is choose the business opportunities & set up a business structure.

                This week, I would like to share on the skills to start a business. All we need first is to identify the business capital in the form of finance, workforce, raw materials and equipments. Next is identify the product or service offered for sale according to categories, types and price list. Location of the business is important in monitoring the purchasing power of locality, target market, customer comfort and basic infrastructure. Besides that, identify the business facilities. Layout facilities, basic facilities, basic equipment for initial starting of business operations and basic documents required. List it and make a decision. Purchasing and selling requires negotiation process involving preparations, planning, strategies, and tactics and communication skills to effect a two way agreement. 

Lecture 7 - Business Plan (BP)

                Business plan is a written document to explain the business that is to be run comprehensively covering analysis, forecast and expectations plus implementation of business strategy. The Importance of BP is to provide others an opportunity to meticulously, critically and objectively evaluate ideas and business projects. It is also to display the viability of a planned project. Assist someone to assess requirements of business necessities so that distribution of resources could be done effectively. To provide someone with the realization that there could be future problems associated with running the project.

Lecture 8 - Skills For Project Management

Management is a process of administration and coordination of resources effectively & efficiently toward organizational objectives. Organization involves group of individuals cooperating to achieve mutual objectives. There are four management functions. Firstly, Strategic is an involving long-term planning. Operational is day –to- day planning. it is fixed. The same annually but may change annually. Once off which mean only once and then new planning. MBO is involves planning of all division, department and section leaders. Contingency is an alternative plans like plan B.



On this first week, we learned about the concept and development of entrepreneurship. It discussed the importance of entrepreneurship and meaning of entrepreneurship.  It also focused on attributes of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship from Islamic perspective.  It also explains why entrepreneurs start business and myth in business development.


On the second week , we learned about self-competency analysis. It focused on Self-Competency Analysis of Entrepreneurial Abilities. It stressed on the initiative taken and the view on that particular topic. It also explain about using power strategy such as legitimate power  reward power ,penalty power , expert power and referent power .we also learned about what caused entrepreneur to fail.  We also get to know big and successful entrepreneur and story about them.


On the third week, we learned about divine acceptance concept and entrepreneurship in the eyes of Islam. We also understand entrepreneurial ethics & business culture.


On the fourth week, we learned about creativity and innovation. After this lecture, we understand aspect  of creativity & innovation. We also leaned about knowledge of approach towards thinking creatively & innovatively  and we get to know how to determine strategies to encourage creativity & innovativeness.  We also know about  Importance of developing creative ideas. Types of innovation and Obstacles/hindrances to creativity & innovativeness are also teached during this lecture.

TOPIC 5 : Business Opportunity

On this week , we learned about business opportunity.  We learned how to identify business opportunities and evaluate & Choose viable & profitable business opportunities. Situations contributing to business opportunities are also explained during this lecture. I also learned about process of identifying, evaluating & choosing opportunities. Next , we also learned about environmental & market factors such as demographic change, psychographic change, Import & export data regarding demand & supply of products/services in market & identifying opportunities and Provision of local & technological sources.


This week we learned on how to start a  business. It focused on how to identified  resources required to start a business. We also learned about the techniques of effective negotiation skills and  the methods of effective communication.


On this seventh week , we learned how to understand the meaning & purpose of the Business Plan (BP).we also get to understand the importance of BP and to be guided in preparing a BP. This will help us to produce a good business plan to convince our client or sponsors about our product.

TOPIC 8 : Skills For Project Management

On this particular week, we learned about the skills for project management. It focused on Skills for project management. We also learned about the process of administration, and coordination of resources effectively & efficiently toward organisational objectives. We also get to know that organisation involves group of individuals cooperating to achieve mutual objectives.we also learned the four management functions which is Planning, organizing, Leading & Control.



The fist topic is discuss about the basic culturelization of entrepreneurship. The Objectives is to evaluating the importance of the study of entrepreneurship and to explain the concept of entrepreneur & entrepreneurship and the other objective is to identify attributes of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is important to give rise to successful individuals having highly viable & competitive businesses and Catalyst for change & growth of national economy- increase rate of per ca-pita product & income, structural change of business & society. Entrepreneurs start a business is to freedom & satisfaction, fill in the time,try out new fruitful venture, maintain family business and grab market opportunities.


          This topic is discuss about the self-competency analysis. The objective of this topic toward undergraduates is will Self-develop entrepreneurship abilities and exhibit attributes of entrepreneurship. There are many type Self-Competency Analysis of Entrepreneurial Abilities which is Initiative, View & Grab Opportunities, Steadfast, Information seeking, focused on Quality Work, Commitment to Agreements, Efficiency-focused, Systematic Planning, Solving problems, self-confidence, iron-willed and instill confidence in others. There are many power strategies like legitimate power, reward power, Penalty power, expert power and Referent power. Failure factors of entrepreneurs are because of undisciplined, unethical & irresponsible. Second is because of ill-equipped mentally and physically for challenges. Third is not able to plan well and not serious in running business forth is wrong strategies used and the last is because of poor environmental scanning and poor business knowledge. A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets.


This topic is discuss about Entrepreneurial ethics. The objective of this topic is to understand the concept of divine acceptance in business and to understand entrepreneurial ethics & business culture. Divine acceptance concept of Entrepreneurship in the Eyes of Islam is making the manufacturing/Service Business to seek for legal providence and also provide the manufacturing, distribution, agriculture and services sector.


This topic is discuss about creativity & innovation. The objective of this topic is to understand aspects of creativity & innovation. At the same time,to improve Knowledge of approach towards thinking creatively & innovatively. And the most important is to learn how to determine strategies to encourage creativity & innovativeness. The Creative Process by Kuratko & Hodgetts (2004) have 4 stages which is, first assimilation of knowledge via readings, discussions, seminars, workshops to create new products/services. Second stage is incubator. It is does not care where the source of ideas originates as development of creative ideas is very vital. Third stage is idea.Acquired ideas unplanned for during lunch/dinner, travelling etc.And the last stage is assessment & implementation.It is Transform ideas into reality finally & without doubt. Importance of Developing Creative Ideas is by use thinking skills innovation & exploit ideas to develop concrete business planning.Also by viewing the environment in a topsy turvy way & approach problems as realized business opportunities.


This topic is discuss about Business Opportunities . The definition Of Opportunity is a new ideas generated via innovative process by establishing a new business, developing new products or services.And the objective of business opportunities is Identify business opportunities and evaluate & Choose viable & profitable business opportunities. Situations Contributing To Business Opportunities is Customers requiring new products/services solving their problems or needs and existing products/services not able to solve problems or fulfill their needs.So the Solution is by Identify Strengths, Minimizing weaknesses, using opportunities & lessening threats.

In addition, the Process Of Identifying, Evaluating & Choosing Opportunities can be conducted by analyse environment & market with understanding of customer needs and also evaluating of Self-competency, societal needs & analyses business ideas. Moreover, they must choose the business opportunities & set up a business structure. The effect of environmental & Market Factors is Demographic Change like age, sex, income, education, family members’ count and so on. The other effect is Psychographic Change which is taste, status & ego and also Import & export data regarding demand & supply of products/services in market & identifying opportunities. What we can get by evaluation of match between self & business is experience, knowledge, expertise, finance, interest and networking. Besides that, the evaluating match of business with society is values, norms and culture. While the evaluating match of self with environment is laws, level of competition, capital requirements and risks.Based on all the above factors conceive a concrete idea, choose a business & develop a business plan.


For this week we discuss about skills to start a business. The objective study is to identify resources required to start a business, know the techniques of effective negotiation skills and know the methods of effective communication. Skills to identify resources required is by using this format 5W1H technique.(What, Which, Where, When, Who, How).in this topic, we also discuss about negotiation skills. Purchasing and selling requires negotiation process involving preparations, planning, strategies, tactics and communication skills to effect a two way agreement.It is Involving at least two parties. Next is preparations of negotiation that focus on non-verbal communication like dressing, appearance and style, way of walking, gestures, body language, way you seat yourself, and posture, eye contact and body odour. The Negotiation process:

         Be ready to compromise.
         Relax and do not overeact.
         Sell yourself and your objectives.
         Present yourself & secure feedback.
         Take your time/Don’t rush decisions.


In this topic, we will discuss about business plan. This topic is importance to understand to provide others an opportunity to meticulously, critically and objectively evaluate ideas and business projects and as a guided in preparing business plan. The other important of BP is to provide someone with the realization that there could be future problems associated with running the project and also to display the viability of a planned project. The definition Of BP is a written document to explain the business that is to be runned comprehensively covering analysis,forecast and expectations plus implementation of business strategy.

Format Business Plan:
  1. Title Of Front Page:
         Title of BP.
         Name & Address of Business.
         Name of Writer.
         Date Prepared.
  1. Table Of Contents:
         Major Titles according to page.

  1. Executive Summary:
      To explain briefly the main elements of business as a separate document.

  1. Structure of BP:
         Business Background.
         Ownership background.
         Marketing (Method & strategy)
         Finance (Capital & cost)
         Conclusion & justification.

  1. Appendices.
Checklist of BP Format


In this topic, we will learn about the Skills For Project Management. Management is the process of administration, and coordination of resources effectively & Efficiently toward organizational objectives. Organisation involves group of individuals cooperating to achieve mutual objectives. There are four management functions which is planning, organising, leading & control. 


         Strategic involving long-term planning.
         Operational is day –to- day planning.
         Fixed. The same annually but may change annually.
         Once Off. Only once and then new planning.
         MBO. Involves planning of all division, department and section leaders.
         Contigency. Alternative plans like plan B.

In this topic, we also study about organising process. Job Design,which is how the pattern of jobs assigned.Job Description,who list of duties. Job Enlargement, giving more assignments which are related. Job Enrichment, giving more in-depth assignments and key ones.Job Rotation, do different jobs in the department or other departments.
   Organisational Structure
         Function Based like production, finance etc.
         Division Based have two or more departments.
         Matrics combine function and project base departments.

         Product. Differentiate it. Price.Lowest price possible.
         Promotion to entice purchases.
         Place to get products within easy reach and convenience.